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Water Safety Tips

Water Safety Tips

Jul 26th 2023

boy swimming with flotation device

Water activities are a great family-friendly way to enjoy your time in the water, whether you’re doing it alone or in a group. But you can’t compromise your safety or the safety of others while you’re in the water, as doing so can potentially lead to a loss of life. 

Being aware of the rules and best practices and ensuring that everyone around you follows them is crucial not just for safety, but for your peace of mind as well. Many people will be aware of the general five water safety rules but not how to follow them or enforce them around others. Here are some tips you should be aware of to enjoy your time in the water without being unsafe. 

General Guidelines to Follow

Learning Proper Swimming

Knowing how to swim isn't just something to take up for fun but an essential skill with the power to save lives. By registering for a swimming class, you give yourself a fighting chance in case any emergency ever arises. 

A swimming class where you can learn basic swimming skills will also help you feel more comfortable while you’re in the water, which can help a lot during emergencies. If you’re in the water with others, it’s important to learn how to navigate around them and help them if an emergency occurs.


A basic water safety tip is to supervise others, especially younger children, while they’re in the pool. Children should always be monitored in and around water, and if they’re not used to swimming, having flotation devices around them or even a life jacket is crucial for their safety. 

Following Rules

Most public areas for swimming have clearly visible rules and regulations which you should follow. If you have a child with you, it’s important that you explain water safety tips that are outlined in these areas so they can be safe as well. 

Finding a Buddy

If you’re still feeling uncomfortable in the water, it’s time to find a buddy who can be your companion. Participating in water activities with a buddy isn’t just fun; it can take a lot of stress out of doing things alone in an unfamiliar environment. It’s essential that you both stay within sight of each other and know how to call for their help if you need it. 

Protecting Yourself

It might seem like a no-brainer, but remaining hydrated is essential for your health, especially when you’re doing outdoor water activities. Remember to apply SPF to protect your skin from UV rays while you’re in the water. If you’re using swimming equipment, triple-check to make sure it’s in good condition before you get in the water. An essential water safety tip is to buy swimming gear that is comfortable and doesn’t irritate you while you’re in the water. 

When At Swimming Pools or Waterparks

Pool Safety

When you’re at the pool, you will usually see five water safety rules somewhere around the property itself. It’s important to remember what they are so you, as a guest, are following safety precautions and not endangering yourself or others. You should also look for all the entry and exit pathways in the pool so you know how to get yourself out of any situation. Don’t run in the pool, and refrain from any rough play that can put others in danger. 

Water Park Safety

It’s essential to know where all the lifeguards and staff are when you’re at a water park. If any instructions are given by the lifeguards for the rides, keep them in mind while you’re on the ride. Height and age restrictions are necessary to remember when you’re going on any ride, especially if it's with a child. Avoid going on slides headfirst because this can lead to concussions and other injuries. Keep these water safety tips in mind to enjoy a water park without being stressed. 

When At The Beach

Understanding Water Movements

If you’re in an open water body, like a river or the sea, you need to know the tide timings and how the waves move to avoid being carried away by them. While most public beaches will have water safety tips posted by lifeguards, being aware of water movements is an additional step that you can take to stay safe. 

You can find local maps that outline tide timings and if there are any dangerous wave movements you should be aware of. If you’re planning on surfing or kayaking, knowing wave movements is essential to avoid being stranded in the water. 

Avoiding Intoxicants 

Alcohol and drugs are known to affect your logic and impair your motor senses, so staying away from them is essential to have a safe time in the water. They can also make you slower to react to situations, which can mean all the difference between life and death when you’re in the water. 

When Boating

Having the Proper Gear

A water safety tip to keep in mind when you’re boating is to invest in proper equipment. Having faulty equipment when you’re in the water can be dangerous not only to you but to anyone else who is with you. Make sure to have life jackets for everyone who is on board the boat, and enquire about water safety rules for the boat from the staff.

Stay Updated

Before you get on a boat, it’s probably a good idea to check on the weather beforehand. Stay updated on any local forecasts that can impact your boating route, and sign up for any weather alerts in that area. It’s probably not a good idea to boat during bad weather, including rain and storms. Staying away from water during high winds and bad weather is a water safety tip you must keep in mind.

There are many water safety rules that you must keep in mind while you’re enjoying your time in the water. While it can seem burdensome at first, it will become second nature to you the more time you spend in the water. Learn the safety rules, have fun, and never fear your time in the water!